How to Identify and Create Buyer Personas for Your Business

Do you know who your ideal customer is? If not, you need to create buyer personas for your business.
Nathalie Klein
Nathalie Klein

A buyer persona is a representation of your target customer, based on market research and real data. You can’t create effective marketing campaigns without them! In this blog post, we will discuss who buyer personas are and how to create them for your business.

What is a buyer persona and why do you need them for your business

A buyer persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customer. They’re based on market research and real data about your customers, and they help you to target your marketing efforts more effectively.

You need buyer personas because they allow you to really get inside the heads of your customers and understand their needs and wants. This understanding helps you to create content, products, and services that are more in line with what your customers actually want, which leads to increased sales and conversions.

Are buyer personas the same as the target audience?

Yes and no. A buyer persona is a representation of your ideal customer, while your target audience is the group of people you’re actually trying to reach with your marketing. So, a buyer persona is narrower in scope than your target audience, but it’s still an important part of your marketing strategy.

Creating a buyer persona usually starts with researching your current customers – their demographics, interests, and behaviors. You can then use this information to create a fictional character who represents your ideal customer. This helps you to better understand what they want and need from your product or service, which makes it easier to create content and messaging that speaks directly to them.

How to identify your target market and create customer profiles

1. Define what a target market is for your business

Before you can create buyer personas, you need to know what a target market is. A target market is the group of people who are most likely to buy your product or service. For example, if you’re selling cleaning products online then your target market would be busy working mothers who want to get their house in order but don’t have time to find the right cleaning products.

If you’re not sure who your target market is then think about the problem that your product or service solves and who needs it solved. For example, if you sell a course on how to start an online business then your target market would be people looking for ways in which they can make money from home.

2. Identify your current target market

Now that you know what your target market should be, it’s time to identify your current one. To do this, you need to look at the people who buy from you and see if there are any patterns. For example, if all of your customers are married with children then it’s likely that other parents would also be interested in your product or service.

3. Create customer profiles for your target market

Once you’ve identified your target market, it’s time to start creating customer profiles. A customer profile is a detailed description of your ideal customer, including their age, sex, income level, occupation, and so on. This information will help you to create content that is more relevant to your target market.

Furthermore,  customer profiles can also help you to identify new target markets. For example, if your ideal customer is a stay-at-home mother aged between 25 and 34, then you may want to consider targeting single women who are also in this age group.

4. Use the information from steps 2 and 3 to create marketing strategies that appeal to your target market

Once you have your customer profiles and target market defined, it’s time to start creating marketing strategies that appeal to them. This may include using different types of content (blog posts, videos, etc.), developing new products or services, or even targeting a specific segment of the population with your advertising.

Creating buyer personas is an essential step in any marketing campaign, as it helps you to identify your target market and create content that appeals directly to them.

5. Evaluate how well your marketing strategies are working and make changes as needed

The only way to know if your marketing strategies are working is to evaluate how well they’re performing. This can be done by looking at things like website traffic, conversion rates, and customer feedback.

If you find that a particular strategy isn’t resonating with your target market then it’s time to change it up. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different types of content, marketing channels, or even target markets until you find something that works.

Creating buyer personas is an essential step in any successful marketing campaign. By taking the time to identify your target market and create customer profiles, you’ll be able to create content and strategies that are more relevant to them and that will result in more sales.

6. Repeat steps 4 through 5 as needed to continue reaching your target market

As time goes on, your target market will change. This is why it’s important to continually evaluate how well your marketing strategies are working and make changes as needed. By doing this, you’ll be able to keep up with the latest trends so that you can always stay ahead of the competition.

Image courtesy via Unsplash

The benefits of creating accurate buyer personas for your business

There are a number of benefits to creating accurate buyer personas for your business. First, having a detailed understanding of your ideal customer will help you better target your marketing efforts. You’ll be able to create content, design ads, and tailor your sales pitch more effectively when you know who you’re speaking to.

Second, creating buyer personas can help you identify opportunities for growth. By understanding the needs and wants of your ideal customer, you may be able to identify new products or services that could be successful in the market.

Finally, accurate buyer personas can help improve your customer service efforts. When you know what motivates your customers and what concerns them, you can work to address these issues and create a better customer experience.

Creating accurate buyer personas for your business is essential for success. By taking the time to identify your target market and understand their needs and wants, you’ll be able to create content and strategies that appeal directly to them. This will result in more sales and a stronger bottom line.

You can also use buyer personas to inform your marketing strategy. For example, you may want to focus on generating more traffic from certain channels based on where most of your buyers come from. And by understanding the demographics and interests of your target customers, you can make better decisions about which marketing campaigns to investing in.

Tips for putting your buyer personas into action

1. Define your buyer personas

Because if you don’t know who you’re selling to, you’re selling to no one.

Buyer personas are a critical part of any good marketing strategy. They help you understand your target audience, what motivates them, and how they make decisions. When you know who your buyers are, you can create content and messaging that speaks to their needs and interests.

Creating buyer personas is not easy, but it’s well worth the effort. The more accurately you can define your ideal customer, the more effective your marketing will be.

2. Understand what motivates them

It’s important to understand what motivates your buyer personas because it can help you better align your marketing efforts with their needs and wants. Knowing what makes them tick will also help you create more effective content and messaging that resonates with them.

For example, if you know that one of your buyer personas is motivated by status, you could create content that positions your product as a way to show off their wealth or sophistication. Or if another buyer persona is motivated by convenience, you could focus on highlighting how easy it is to use your product or service.

Understanding what motivates your buyers is a key part of creating an effective customer acquisition strategy. So don’t skip this step!

3. Tailor your content and messaging to appeal to them

Because if you don’t, your competitor will. And if your competitor does a better job of resonating with your buyer personas, they’ll end up winning the business.

Creating content and messages that resonate with your different buyer personas can be a challenge. But it’s worth the effort, because when you get it right, you’ll see higher engagement rates, more leads, and bigger sales wins.

So how do you go about it? Start by getting to know your buyers inside and out. What are their biggest challenges and concerns? What motivates them to buy? What channels do they prefer to use? Armed with this information, you can start creating content and messages that speak directly to their needs and interests.

4. Analyze their online behavior

There are a few reasons why it’s a good idea to analyze your buyer personas’ online behavior. First, by understanding what kind of content they’re interested in, you can create content that is more relevant and useful to them. This will help you attract their attention and keep them engaged.

Second, by studying their online behavior, you can get a better idea of their interests and needs. This will allow you to personalize your marketing messages and create offers that are more likely to appeal to them.

Finally, analyzing your buyers’ online behavior can help you build stronger relationships with them. By providing them with valuable content and personalized messages, you can show that you understand their needs and want to help them meet them.

How to analyze your buyer personas’ online behavior

The first step is to identify which channels are most important for engaging with your target audience. For example, if you’re a B-to-C business that sells products and services directly to consumers, social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter might be the best places for you to focus your efforts.

Once you’ve identified the channels that are most important to your buyers, start by monitoring what they’re talking about on social media. What are their interests? What are their pain points? What kind of content do they like to share?

You can also use tools like Google Analytics and Facebook Insights to get a better understanding of your buyers’ online behavior. These tools will show you what types of content they’re most interested in and how often they visit your website or social media profiles.

You can also analyze their behavior on other sites, such as review websites, forums, or blogs that are related to your business or industry. This is a great way to find out what kind of content they’re interested in and where you can create more of it.

The final step is to analyze their behavior on your own website or blog. Start by looking at the types of pages that are most popular with your target audience. This will give you an idea of what kind of content they like to read, watch, or listen to. You can then create more of this type of content and increase your engagement with them.

You should also look at the keywords they’re using to find your site or blog in search engines like Google or Bing. This will give you an idea of what kind of problems they want solutions for, which will help you tailor your marketing messages.

5. Experiment with different tactics to see what works best

Once you’ve analyzed your buyer personas’ online behavior, it’s time to start creating content and messages that will resonate with them. This can be a challenging process, especially if you’re unclear on who they are or what they want. The best way to approach this problem is by experimenting with different tactics until you find the ones that work best.

How to conduct A/B tests

A/B testing is a great way to figure out which tactics are most effective with your target audience. For example, if you’re trying to get more people to sign up for your newsletter, try sending them two different emails: one with the subject line “Sign Up Now” and another with the subject line “Learn More About Our Newsletter”.

Then, track how many people sign up for each email. The email with the “Sign Up Now” subject line will likely result in more people signing up, but you can also test other tactics, like including a free ebook or whitepaper as a bonus for signing up.

6. Keep track of your results and refine your strategy over time

As you experiment with different tactics, keep track of the results. This will help you refine your strategy over time and make sure that you’re reaching your target audience.

The best way to do this is by creating a spreadsheet or database where you can track how many people sign up for your content, download your ebooks or whitepapers, or click on your ads.

Once you have this data, you can start to see which tactics are working best for you and focus more of your efforts on those channels. You can also use this data to create new buyer personas that better reflect your target audience.

How to continue refining and updating your buyer personas over time

The importance of buyer personas and why they need to be updated over time

Buyer personas are important because they help you focus your marketing efforts on the right channels and create content that resonates with your target audience. However, they also need to be updated over time to reflect changes in your buyers’ behavior or preferences.

For example, if you notice that more of your buyers are using mobile devices to access your site or blog, you may want to create a new buyer persona that better reflects this trend.

On the other hand, if your buyers are still primarily using desktop computers and laptops to access your content, then adjusting their mobile experience might not be necessary at this time.

How to gather feedback from customers and team members to continue refining your buyer personas

  1. Ask customers and team members for feedback about their experience with your product or service

One of the best ways to continue refining and updating your buyer personas is by asking customers or team members for feedback about their experience with your product or service. This can be done through surveys, interviews, or focus groups.

For example, if you’re trying to create a new marketing campaign for an online store that sells shoes, you could ask customers how they found your website, what type of shoes they’re interested in, and whether they would be willing to provide their email address so you can send them promotional offers.

You could also ask team members questions like “What are the top three problems that our buyers face?” or “What type of content do our buyers prefer?” This will give you valuable insight into how to continue refining your buyer personas over time.

Use surveys, interviews, or focus groups to gather feedback from customers and team members about their experience with your product or service.

  • Surveys are a great way to collect data on customer preferences because they can be sent out via email and don’t require any face-to-face interaction.
  • Interviews are a good way to get feedback from team members about their experience with buyers, and they can also be used to gather data on customer preferences. However, they do require some time and effort to set up.
  • Focus groups are a great way to get feedback from customers and team members about their experience with your product or service. They also allow you to get feedback on customer preferences and see how people interact with each other.
  1. Use that feedback to refine your buyer personas

Once you’ve gathered feedback from customers and team members, it’s time to start refining your buyer personas. This can be done by looking at the data that you collected and seeing if there are any patterns or trends.

For example, if most of your buyers prefer content that is short and concise, you may want to consider creating more content like this.

If most of your buyers prefer content that is longer and more detailed, then you may want to consider creating more content like this. You can use the feedback from customers and team members to help guide your decisions as well as come up with new ideas for future campaigns or products/services!

  1. Share the revised buyer personas with your team and customers

Once you’ve refined your buyer personas, it’s important to share them with your team and customers. This will help everyone understand your target audience and what type of content they should be creating/sharing.

It will also help ensure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to marketing efforts, which can lead to better results overall.

When sharing revised buyer personas with team members and/or customers, it’s important to be clear about what has changed so that they know how their own roles might apply or not apply anymore.

  1. Ask for more feedback to continue refining the buyer personas

Finally, don’t forget that buyer personas should always be a work in progress! As your business changes and grows, so will the needs of your buyers.

This means that you’ll need to continue gathering feedback from customers and team members to ensure that your buyer personas are up-to-date. And who knows? You may even need to create new buyer personas altogether!

What’s more,  you can use the feedback you gather to create content that is tailored specifically for your buyers. This will help increase engagement and conversions, which is always a good thing!

Use cases of how different businesses could successfully use buyer personas

1. A restaurant that used buyer personas to create a more targeted marketing campaign

A restaurant wanted to create a more targeted marketing campaign, so they used buyer personas. They gathered feedback from team members and customers to determine who their target audience was.

They found that most of their buyers were young professionals who lived in the city. Based on this information, they created a campaign that focused on highlighting the benefits of eating healthy food, as well as offering discounts for those with dietary restrictions (e.g., vegan or vegetarian).

The result? The campaign was successful and helped increase sales by 20%!

2. A business that used buyer personas to improve their website’s user experience 

A business wanted to improve their website’s user experience, so they used buyer personas. They found that by understanding their customers’ needs and wants, they were able to design a website that better met those needs. As a result, the website’s conversion rate improved.

Furthermore,  their return on investment (ROI) increased.

3. A company that used buyer personas to design a new product

Buyer personas can also help businesses determine what products to create. A company that used buyer personas to design a new product is Apple. The company conducted focus groups to determine that younger buyers wanted a product that was affordable, easy to use and portable. The result was iPod Nano.

4. An organization that used buyer personas to increase sales

Another example is a company that used buyer personas to increase sales. They found out which persona was the most likely to buy their product and created marketing campaigns specifically for that persona. As a result, they saw more interest from that sector.

As you can see from these examples, buyer personas are an excellent way to create more targeted marketing campaigns that will ultimately lead to higher conversions.

Buyer Persona x ByDiscovery

ByDiscovery can help identify buyer personas by helping to create a checklist of items that are important to them.

With checklists, you can quickly identify and segment your website visitors.

You can use our widget for sharing and converting:

  • lead magnets – collect e-mails and share your resources for valuable marketing data
  • blog posts – send traffic directly to priority pages
  • pricing – provide decision-makers with the most concrete info
  • product pages – a measure which pages gain the most interest
  • tours and demo – deliver options for setting up a 1:1 with you
  • sign-ups – one of the elements on your checklist can be a quick encouragement to register!

For example, if you know that they are interested in marketing solutions, you can redirect them to marketing blog posts prominently on your website. 

If you know that they are interested in enterprise options, you can highlight the features and pricing of these products on your website. 

By catering to their specific interests, you can make it easier for them to find what they are looking for on your website.

This all will help you keep track of who you’re targeting, and what you need to do to better attract their attention. 

And while there are many tools supporting you in knowing your audience better, not many of them do it at the first glance. ByDiscovery helps identify who your target buyers are once they enter your website. This will give you a more in-depth look at their likes, dislikes, and behavior so that you can create marketing content that resonates with them more effectively, generate more sales, and offer a bespoke customer experience.

Creating a checklist is simple and fully customizable. 

  1. Sign up for free at
  2. Create and personalize your customized checklists for each Buyer Persona you want to target – use Journeys
  3. Embed the checklist on your website
  4. Watch conversions soar – use Insights

Upon completing the checklist, your Buyer Persona will see the thank you screen in the widget. Toward the end, the widget asks if they would like to receive a personalized offer, arrange a meeting or use a special discount. The question and content are set by you during widget configuration, but the point is to get the conversion you want – from the Buyer Persona you want.

As a ByDiscovery user, you will also get access to activities about your Buyer Personas

They can be tracked by how they convert, what they visit most often, etc., and each visitor will have a profile and a list of actions they have taken, i.e. which subpages they visited when they achieved certain goals.

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